Be alert to the warning signs along your journey.
How does the Kompass Model respond to the Ukrainian crisis?
Within the context of the war in Ukraine and the refugees coming into Romania, eLiberare has developed a model of intervention that is assessing the risks of exploitation and human trafficking. The Kompass Model of Intervention is following the journey of those displaced by the war in Ukraine, first at national level, in Romania, and then across as many border crossings as they will have to their chosen destination.
Mapping the Ecosystem
step 1
Mapping the ecosystem
First, we map the ecosystem (local, national, regional and international) to see where we intervene and where the intervention can become instrumental.
step 2
Identify stakeholders
Second, we identify groups of stakeholders and secure partnerships, from public to private entities, non-profit organizations and active citizens.
step 3
Capacity Building
Then we build capacity on implementing the Kompass model which leads to early detection and notification of cases of potential human trafficking and assistance for those in need.
step 4
The last step is to promote and disseminate the tools and resources created by eLiberare which are by design replicable and open source.
Capacity Building & Dissemination
Individualized Safety Plans
Informed Ukrainians
Trained Responders
Latest News
Safety Measures
Find out your legal rights in Romania and the procedure to register with the authorities at
Make sure that, on Romanian ground, you primarily come in contact with professionals, firefighters, police officers, social workers, psychologists, medical staff, civil servants, and specialized NGOs personnel.
Make sure that you know the address where you will be accommodated. Send the details to someone you trust and to the Romanian authorities so you can be monitored.
You have the right to refuse support from citizens or organisations if you have any suspicions and the option to directly address the authorities.
Nobody is allowed to retain your personal documents, except for the police. If anyone is soliciting this from you, no matter the reasons, refuse and report the situation.
Call 112 (or 119 for abuses against children) if you realize you are in immediate danger!
Don’t give your mobile phone to anyone and make sure its battery is always charged.
Choose a safety password, a secret word which can be easily dropped in a text or call, to discreetly announce that you are in danger. Share this password with someone trustworthy who can call the authorities or the specialists who operate the Crisis Textline at eLiberare. 0757.749.845
Make sure that you know the address where you will be accommodated. Send the details to someone you trust and to the Romanian authorities so you can be monitored. Make your location known if you change it. Never accept that this notification is done without you being present.
Nobody is allowed to solicit sexual services against your will or to force you to work or beg in exchange for the offered support. This is a crime – human trafficking!